



Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a positive or negative development?
– from IELTS Simon Website


1. 主旨(大學提供線上課程)
2. 雖然有一些缺點,但是好處多多

身體段 1:
1. 最大的缺點是學習成效
2. 學生容易分心
3. 舉例:學生的家長可能會跑進來,或是學生可能會偷用電腦做別的事情
4. 互動容易減少
5. 學生無法與老師或其他人面對面,減少了交流的機會。

身體段 2:
1. 好處多多
2. 可以消除時空,在哪裡都可以上課
3. 學生可以不用花大量的時間在通勤上面
4. 學校成本減少,可以更專注在學生身上
5. 學生可以隨時查到資料

1. 雖然線上課程有缺點,但是好處多多


It is true that students can enrol on online courses offered by most universities nowadays. While there are some drawbacks of online learning, I believe there are far more benefits.

The two main drawbacks of internet-based learning are distractions and less interaction. Students studying at home through online courses might find it hard to pay attention to the class because there are scores of distractions. For example, their parents or roommates may come into the room while they are having the lesson, or the students might do something else through the Net because their teachers cannot see them directly. Furthermore, Students might not have the opportunities to engage with their teachers and classmates face to face and instead have to rely on typing messages into the chatbox. Hence, this might have a negative impact on peer support, discussion and exchange of ideas.

Despite the negatives mentioned above, I would argue that offering online courses is beneficial for various reasons. Firstly, students can attend the class no matter where they are. They do not need to spend a considerable amount of time commuting to school or even rent a flat next to the school. Secondly, those universities can have some extra income from the online courses to invest in education and students’ learning. Finally, students can easily use their laptops or computers to access the information they need through the Internet; hence, they can immediately share what they find with the teacher and classmates.

In conclusion, although I recognise the possible disadvantages of online learning, I consider it to be a positive development overall. (263 words)

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