- Mistletoe [ˈmɪsəltəʊ] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:槲寄生
- 英文解釋:A plant with white berries, traditionally used as a Christmas decoration.
- 例句:They kissed under the mistletoe, following the Christmas tradition.
- Carol [ˈkærəl] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:聖誕頌歌
- 英文解釋:A religious song or popular hymn associated with Christmas.
- 例句:We sang carols around the neighborhood, spreading holiday cheer.
- Yuletide [ˈjuːltaɪd] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:聖誕季節
- 英文解釋:The Christmas season, traditionally celebrated during late December.
- 例句:Yuletide is a time of joy and family gatherings.
- Wreath [riːθ] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:花圈
- 英文解釋:A ring-shaped arrangement of flowers and leaves, used as a Christmas decoration.
- 例句:A beautiful wreath hung on the front door, welcoming guests.
- Nativity [nəˈtɪvɪti] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:耶穌誕生
- 英文解釋:The birth of Jesus Christ, often represented in art and Christmas plays.
- 例句:The children performed the Nativity play at the church.
- Eggnog [ˈɛɡnɒɡ] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:蛋酒
- 英文解釋:A traditional Christmas drink made of eggs, sugar, milk, and usually alcohol.
- 例句:We shared a glass of eggnog on Christmas Eve.
- Tinsel [ˈtɪnsəl] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:金銀花
- 英文解釋:A type of shiny, metallic decoration often used on Christmas trees.
- 例句:The Christmas tree sparkled with lights and tinsel.
- Stocking [ˈstɒkɪŋ] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:聖誕襪
- 英文解釋:A large sock hung up by children on Christmas Eve, traditionally filled with gifts by Santa Claus.
- 例句:The children found their stockings filled with gifts in the morning.
- Sleigh [sleɪ] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:雪橇
- 英文解釋:A type of vehicle on runners for traveling over snow, often associated with Santa Claus.
- 例句:Children dreamed of Santa Claus riding his sleigh across the sky.
- Reindeer [ˈreɪndɪə(r)] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:馴鹿
- 英文解釋:A deer from the Arctic and Subarctic, commonly associated with Santa Claus’s sleigh.
- 例句:Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, is a popular character in Christmas stories.
- Gingerbread [ˈdʒɪndʒəbred] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:薑餅
- 英文解釋:A type of cake flavored with ginger, often used to make cookies in the shape of people or houses.
- 例句:We decorated gingerbread houses with colorful icing and candies.
- Advent [ˈædv(ə)nt] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:降臨節
- 英文解釋:The period of four weeks before Christmas, a time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus’s birth.
- 例句:During Advent, we light candles each Sunday to mark the approach of Christmas.
- Cranberry [ˈkrænb(ə)ri] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:蔓越莓
- 英文解釋:A small, sour, red fruit, often used in sauces and desserts during Christmas.
- 例句:Cranberry sauce is a traditional accompaniment to the Christmas turkey.
- Holly [ˈhɒli] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:冬青
- 英文解釋:A shrub with glossy, prickly leaves and red berries, used as a Christmas decoration.
- 例句:Holly branches decorated the mantelpiece, adding to the festive atmosphere.
- Elf [elf] (名詞)
- 中文解釋:小精靈
- 英文解釋:A mythical creature, often depicted as a small, humanlike being with pointed ears, associated with Christmas.
- 例句:In stories, elves help Santa Claus make toys at the North Pole.
- “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
- 中文翻譯:聖誕快樂,新年快樂!
- 對話示例:
- A: “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
- B: “Thank you, same to you!”
- “I’m looking forward to the Christmas dinner.”
- 中文翻譯:我期待著聖誕晚餐。
- 對話示例:
- A: “I’m looking forward to the Christmas dinner.”
- B: “Me too, I can’t wait to try the roast turkey!”
- “Have you put up your Christmas tree yet?”
- 中文翻譯:你的聖誕樹裝飾好了嗎?
- 對話示例:
- A: “Have you put up your Christmas tree yet?”
- B: “Yes, we just decorated it last night. It looks beautiful!”
- “Let’s exchange gifts on Christmas Eve.”
- 中文翻譯:我們聖誕夜交換禮物吧。
- 對話示例:
- A: “Let’s exchange gifts on Christmas Eve.”
- B: “That sounds like a great idea. I’ve already got something special for you!”
- “I love the festive atmosphere in the city.”
- 中文翻譯:我喜歡城市裡的節日氣氛。
- 對話示例:
- A: “I love the festive atmosphere in the city.”
- B: “Me too, the Christmas lights and decorations are so beautiful.”
- “Can we go to Starbucks and get a hot chocolate?”
- 中文翻譯:我們可以去星巴克買熱巧克力嗎?
- 對話示例:
- A: “Can we go to Starbucks and get a hot chocolate?”
- B: “Sure, let’s go! I could use a warm drink.”
祝您一個溫馨愉快的聖誕節,願您的每一天都充滿學習的喜悅和語言的美好。Merry Christmas!